About Coding Meltdown

Photo by Ian Scheider on Unsplash

Welcome to Coding Meltdown

Cloud services and Application development is created or updated very frequently. It is incredibly difficult for developers and engineers to stay up to date with such changes.

The goal of Coding Meltdown is to keep our readers up to date with the latest development and cloud technologies. Coding Meltdown offers a variety of resources to new and veteran professionals who seek to sharpen their skills in this ever changing world.

About Coding Meltdown

Coding Meltdown is a blog publication established in 2022 by Akhter (Mo) Ali as a way for professionals to educate and further enhance themselves in their career(s).

Coding Meltdown Staff

Akhter (Mo) Ali - Founder

Mo is the founder of Coding Meltdown. Mo has loved technologies since he was a kid in the 1990’s. Mo has taken his passion for technology and became a DevOps engineer, focusing on Dev. Mo has worked for big companies in the past such as Yahoo and Amazon but enjoys working for smaller companies now as a Senior DevOps Engineer.

Mo loves to watch horror movies with his wife, go rock climbing with some friends, and meddle in every part of society that he can get into (IE: Politics, finances, social structure, etc).

Mo’s second passion is finance. He loves to be involved in financial systems like the stock market, crypto currency, and real-estate investments.

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